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Organic Garlic Garden Variety Pack

$1345 USD $1794

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NEW! All-in-One Garlic Variety Pack includes an assortment of our 6 most popular garlic varieties.  ⓘ Learn the difference between hard-neck and soft-neck

Includes all of the following 6 varieties:

Garlic (Soft Neck) - Elephant *PRE-ORDER* - SeedsNow.com

1. Garlic - (Soft Neck) Elephant

  • The cloves are very easy-peeling. You'd think you have a giant hard-neck here, but the bulbs keep very well, more like a soft-neck. Elephant Garlic is also popular and profitable market gardeners' crop in some areas.

2. Garlic - (Soft Neck) Inchelium Red (Organic)

  • From Inchelium, WA, on the Colville Indian Reservation! The bulbs are large - to 3+ inches in diameter. 8-20 cloves of good size. Mild, but lasting, flavor, with a hint of hot! Dense cloves store well. The flavor can get stronger in storage. This vigorous soft-necked variety won a Rodale taste test of 20 garlic strains - named \"Very Best of the Soft-Necks\" 

3. Garlic - (Soft Neck) California Early (Organic)

  • California Early is very adaptable to any climate, and easy to grow. This variety has one of the longest storage life. Flavor is very mild.

4. Garlic - (Soft Neck) Silver Rose (Organic)

  • This heirloom garlic has medium to large bulb. Rose-colored cloves in very smooth bright-white bulbs. Mild flavor.
    Beautiful garlic to braid!
    The longest-storing garlic we sell.
    Fast-growing garlic.
    Very popular in western and southern US and in France and Italy.

5. Garlic - (Soft Neck) Nootka (Organic)

  • This heirloom garlic has medium to large bulb. Beautifully bright white skin with light rose-colored streaked cloves Very attractive for braiding. Excellent flavor. Strong flavor. In rich soil, cloves can lose their rosy hue. This variety of garlic has long shelf-life and will store well into next spring or even summer.

6. Garlic - (Soft Neck) Italian Late (Organic)

  • Light colored wrappers covering cloves which are generally fat and round. The extra-tight skin makes it a better keeper. This variety matures later than Early Italian Purple and tends to be somewhat smaller then Early Italian Purple as well. Good braiding type.

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